Björn Meder
Björn Meder
Meder, B.
Causal analysis of absolute and relative risk reductions
Unifying principles of generalization: past, present, and future
Developmental changes in exploration resemble stochastic optimization
Visual–spatial dynamics of social learning in immersive environments
What makes a good query? Prospects for a comprehensive theory of human information acquisition
Developmental trajectories in the understanding of everyday uncertainty terms
Finding the (most efficient) way out of a maze is easier than asking (good) questions
People’s understanding of the concept of misinformation
Diagnostic causal reasoning
Development of directed and random exploration in children
Specialization and selective social attention establishes the balance between individual and social learning
Similarities and differences in spatial and non-spatial cognitive maps
Learning functions actively
Stepwise versus globally optimal search in children and adults
How should autonomous cars drive? A preference for defaults in moral judgments under risk and uncertainty
Active function learning
Beyond the confines of choice architecture: A critical analysis
Connecting conceptual and spatial search via a model of generalization
Generalized information theory meets human cognition: Introducing a unified framework to model uncertainty and information search
Towards a theory of heuristic and optimal planning for sequential information search
Asking better questions: How presentation formats influence information search
Diagnostic causal reasoning with verbal information
Diagnostic reasoning
Heuristics: fast, frugal, and smart
Informationssuche im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule: Zahlenspiele und Fabelwesen als mögliches Lern-Lehrarrangement. [Information search in mathematics teaching in primary school: Number games and mythical creatures as a possible learning-teaching arrangement]
Moral hindsight
Naïve and robust: Class-conditional independence in human classification learning
Communicating relative risk changes with baseline risk: presentation format and numeracy matter
Homo heuristicus in the financial world: From risk management to managing uncertainty
Statistical thinking: No one left behind
Structure induction in diagnostic causal reasoning
Decision making in uncertain times: what can cognitive and decision sciences say about or learn from economic crises?
Sequential diagnostic reasoning with verbal information
The assumption of class-conditional independence in category learning
Information search with situation-specific reward functions
Category transfer in sequential causal learning: The unbroken mechanism hypothesis
How causal reasoning can bias empirical evidence
Observing and intervening: Rational and heuristic models of causal decision making
Spontaneous causal learning while controlling a dynamic system
The tight coupling between category and causal learning
A rational model of elemental diagnostic inference
A transitivity heuristic of probabilistic causal reasoning
Causal induction enables adaptive decision making
The role of learning data in causal reasoning about observations and interventions
Inferring interventional predictions from observational learning data
Seeing versus doing: Causal Bayes nets as psychological models of causal reasoning
Doing after seeing