active learning

Informationssuche im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule: Zahlenspiele und Fabelwesen als mögliches Lern-Lehrarrangement. [Information search in mathematics teaching in primary school: Number games and mythical creatures as a possible learning-teaching arrangement]

Gute Fragen zu stellen, ist eine grundlegende Kompetenz für das Lösen alltäglicher Aufgaben. Der vorliegende Beitrag skizziert eine spielerische Moglichkeit, anhand von gut überlegten Fragen zu verschiedenen Merkmalen und Fabelwesen erste Kenntnisse …

Mapping the unknown: The spatially correlated multi-armed bandit

We introduce the spatially correlated multi-armed bandit as a task coupling function learning with the exploration-exploitation trade-off. Participants interacted with bi-variate reward functions on a two-dimensional grid, with the goal of either …

Children's sequential information search is sensitive to environmental probabilities

We investigated 4th-grade children's search strategies on sequential search tasks in which the goal is to identify an unknown target object by asking yes-no questions about its features. We used exhaustive search to identify the most efficient …

Information search with situation-specific reward functions

The goal of obtaining information to improve classification accuracy can strongly conflict with the goal of obtaining information for improving payoffs. Two environments with such a conflict were identified through computer optimization. Three …